Welcome to Pasadena United Reformed Church
Pasadena United Reformed Church is a congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA).
Sunday Worship
First Service — 9:30 AM, Modular Room
Main Service — 11:10 AM, Main Sanctuary
Learn more about our worship.
Our Address
We worship twice each Lord’s Day at
1515 Garfield Ave, South Pasadena, California.
See a map and get directions.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1737, Monrovia, CA 91017-1737
Email: office@pasadenaurc.org
Phone: 626-437-4944
What We Believe
The Bible is God’s Word to us, and is therefore our only rule for faith and life.
United Reformed Churches of North America
This is the official website of the URCNA, a federation of churches united in faith and confession that exercise the ministry of reconciliation by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
Catechism for Shorties
The Catechism for Shorties is a primer for very young children. It is designed to be printed on a single 8.5×11-inch sheet of paper on both sides for easy use. The second side is for children who are a little older, revisiting the same themes on the first side in more depth. The last section is a mini rejection of errors common today such as the errors of Arminianism, Dispensationalism, and Federal Vision.
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